Saturday, March 26, 2011

Too Quick To Be Two

Currently the youngest of our children is two-and-a half. She is a thumb sucker, and until recently I have been a sucker for allowing her to console herself by continuing the habit. However, it has clearly become more apparent that this slobbery past-time of hers, is destroying her teeth. This, along with the calluses on her thumb have prompted Papa and I to STRONGLY discourage her from thumb sucking and every time she is seen with a thumb in her mouth, she is told to remove it.

During the last fews days of trying to lure her away from the thumb, I have gotten a whole load of dirty looks, grunts while the thumb remains in the mouth, removals of the thumb just long enough to say "NO", and trying to hide in some form or fashion as to not be "caught" sucking her thumb. But, the child got witty!! In the van, Papa looked in the child view mirror and saw her sucking her thumb. When he told her to remove it, she did, but only long enough to say, "I not suckin my fumb, I checkin my teef.

Oh my, oh my, what fun lies ahead for us with her....